
Not sure why this random thought came back to me, but I’m glad it did….. So back in the old days of the interwebz, quite possibly when Netscape Navigator was all the rage, some smart cookie came up with the idea of bookmarklets. They are essentially JavaScript in a single…

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Smart Navigation of UEM via Shortcuts

Ok so we all know how to create shortcuts, or at least I hope we do… Workspace ONE UEM console uses a mix of POST and GET requests to navigate around. GET’s are great, you can easily see and manipulate the URL to get the result you want, POST however…

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WS1 Queued App to Readable Name

Another quick and dirty function, it does have a pre-requisite of the function found here: What this does is converts the guid found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AirWatchMDM\AppDeploymentAgent\Queue\ and outputs the actual name of the application and the status code. If you look at one of the Queued Items, its a very…

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WS1 Status Code PowerShell Function

So this is just a quick and dirty function for translating the status code in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AirWatchMDM\ area of the registry. The status code translation is based on this post: Workspace ONE UEM Error Code – My Blog (, and I will update the function if I get a more…

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Workspace ONE oAuth API…. Auth

A quickish one, hopefully. You can use oAuth Client/Secret/Token malarky for your API calls. I like it as its not tied to an admin account, it does involve and extra API call to get your token. Brooks Peppin from VMware has a good article on how to setup oAuth inside…

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